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11-Aug-2022, Internal Quality Management Forum

2022-12-26 13:07

IVALVE Held the internal Quality Management Forum Successfully

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Quality is the life, a display of the overall quality and a reflection of the comprehensive strength of an enterprise. In order to further enhance the quality awareness of all employees and build a high-quality valve brand in a deeper level, Tongling IVALVE Technology Co., Ltd. held a quality management forum at 4 pm on September 9, 2022.

During the meeting, employees of all positions were concentrated in a group of 6 people, and the deficiencies in the process of improving the appearance and quality of products and suggestions for improvement were discussed in the form of group discussions. 

Afterwards, each group spoke in turn, expressed their opinions, and made suggestions for the improvement of product appearance quality. 

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At the meeting, Mr. Victor, the general manager of the company, highly agreed with the questions and suggestions put forward by each group. He asked the whole company to thoroughly understand the spirit of this meeting and implement the targeted and innovative suggestions as soon as possible.

Mr. Victor also proposed further requirements for future quality management work: 

1. to improve the quality awareness and strengthen the responsibility of all staff; 

2. to clarify the job responsibilities as much as possible, and conduct operations in strict accordance with the established standards and instructions; 

3. to promote the participation of all staff in quality control and to form the characteristic quality concept of IVALVE; 

4. to continuously carry out business training, and make the training specific, post-based and on-site; 

5. to strictly implement the spirit of this meeting, consolidate responsibilities and decisions; The sixth is to strictly achieve the mutual inspection system; 

6. adhere to the quality control and not relax, and achieve stage summaries and regular summaries.

This quality management forum summarizes the experience and lessons in the existing quality management process, establishes a long-term and effective quality improvement work mechanism, and points out the direction for the company's future quality development.

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